Senin, 21 September 2015

Yud'dha! Mukhya rūpa sē sabhī dharmōṁ kō ukhāṛa phēṅkanē kē li'ē īsā'ī duniyā kō jīta kē li'ē vr̥d'dhi karanē kē li'ē ā rahā hai

Yud'dha! Mukhya rūpa sē sabhī dharmōṁ kō ukhāṛa phēṅkanē kē li'ē īsā'ī duniyā kō jīta kē li'ē vr̥d'dhi karanē kē li'ē ā rahā hai 印度-世界大戰快到了!主因是基督教高層要征服世界打倒所有宗教 Yud'dha īsā'ī kī duniyā mēṁ sabhī dharmōṁ kō ukhāṛa phēṅkanē kō jīta kē li'ē vr̥d'dhi kī vajaha sē ā rahā hai - bahuta burā duniyā, jīta kē li'ē masīha kē sātha, maiṁ bhārata aura myāmmāra kē baud'dha punarjanma brāhmaṇavāda hindū dharma aura an'ya dharmōṁ kē mahatva:! Vakīla (jaba cīna aura rūsa yā banā'ē rakhanē kē li'ē kē bīca dvitīya viśva yud'dha kē gaṭhabandhana taṭastha,) vāpasa briṭiśa aupanivēśika śāsana kē adhīna nahīṁ jātē haiṁ?? Sabhī dharmōṁ vāstava mēṁ sam'māna kiyā jātā hai, jahāṁ svarga hai, tō bhagavāna jānavarōṁ kē sabhī prakāra kē pyāra karatā hai ki na kēvala duniyā kō pyāra karatā thā, jō ēka hī bhagavāna hō sakatā hai, pr̥thvī para bhējā svargadūtōṁ dhana ugāhanē kē arabōṁ nahīṁ hai ēka dāna yā dhārmika sansthā'ōṁ ḍŏlara yā adhika hai, lēkina thōṛā prāsaṅgikatā kamajōra lōgōṁ kō yā ēka sanasanī kē kāraṇa hōtā hai jō āgē ānē kē li'ē garība jānavara kō.------ Avatāra bhagavāna hajārōṁ sāla kē li'ē duniyā bhara mēṁ susamācāra pracāra aura banānē kē li'ē, arabōṁ kē saikaṛōṁ hai sabhī dharmōṁ, isali'ē bhagavāna sirpha ēka alaga nāma kē sātha ēka hī vyakti hai ki duniyā kē sabhī dharmōṁ nē praśansā Bhagavāna itanā duniyā pyāra kē bāda sē -----, yaha hai svārtha kē li'ē kō'ī ādhāra an'ya dēśōṁ kē sansādhanōṁ kō jabta karanē kē li'ē ēka yud'dha śurū karanē kē li'ē, ēka bahānā an'ya dharmōṁ kō naṣṭa karanē kē li'ē hai, lēkina jhūṭhē dēvatā'ōṁ samasyā kī pūjā nahīṁ kī thī. Bhagavāna bhagavāna nē banāyā hai jō saba kucha banāyā, bhagavāna tō duniyā (kī āṛa mēṁ dūsarōṁ kō naṣṭa karanē kē li'ē usē bhagavāna kē nāma para phōna nahīṁ hōtā pyāra karatā thā) an'ya dēśōṁ dharma kē dvārā banā'ī ga'ī! Isali'ē bhagavāna sē maujūda hai, lēkina nahīṁ mēṁ (bhītara kisī dūsarē dēśa carca dharma) para hamalā! Dēśōṁ aura lōgōṁ kē lōgōṁ para hamalā karanē kē li'ē hamalā karanē kē sarvanāśa dēśa,Yaha anta karanē kē li'ē yīśu masīha kē vacana kē anusāra sāla viśvāsiyōṁ kō bacānē kē li'ē ā gayā hai, lēkina duniyā kē anta mēṁ kēvala kucha hī dayālu viśvāsiyōṁ sā'ibēriyā śaraṇa kē li'ē yud'dha kī taraha nahīṁ hai, kucha lōgōṁ kī madada kara sakatē haiṁ, jyādātara īsā'ī haiṁ (an'ya dēśōṁ mēṁ carca hamalē dharma) thē apanē prabhu kō gumarāha karanē kē li'ē, lēkina hō gayā hai (dhārmika an'ya dēśōṁ mēṁ carca hamalōṁ) upakaraṇa kī duniyā kō jīta kē li'ē aura viśva yud'dha kē saṅkaṭa kē li'ē, carama mahatvākāṅkṣā miśanarī prabhāva mēṁ jihāda kē bainara pakaṛē pahacāna karanē mēṁ asamartha hai, gharōṁ mēṁ naraka kī āga bana.- Yīśu kē pāsa duniyā mēṁ ā ātmaviśvāsa sē acchā āstika bacāva, āstika laṛanē kē li'ē usē dūra nētr̥tva karanē kē li'ē nahīṁ hai! Lēkina ka'ī īsā'ī. Yud'dha kē maidāna kī mauta kē bāda kī vajaha sē rakta aura hatyā kā pūrā hātha thā burā'ī naraka mēṁ bā'ibila śabda Careerists sē sātha chēṛachāṛa viśva yud'dha kī ōra saṛaka gumarāha kiyā gayā hai rūsa, cīna aura islāmī duniyā kē sansādhanōṁ kē sātha yud'dha kē mahatvākāṅkṣī lakṣya kē antima tējī sē lagātāra jvālāmukhī visphōṭa kē karība bhī muśkila jaldī ī 2015 mēṁ kē bāda manīlā sunāmī yud'dha kō bacānē kē li'ē ēka paramāṇu viśva yud'dha ghaṭita hōgā, jabaki liṅga (!, Pēṭa sūcanā dī nīcē: Jamīnī stara sē dō svargadūtōṁ jānavarōṁ sē pyāra karatā hai jō tā'ivāna, vistāra karanē kē li'ē klika kara sakatē haiṁ - mukhya bhūmi cīna phŏksakŏna kārakhānē sē usakī yācikā śaktiśālī lōgōṁ kāraṇa nahīṁ nirantara 12 karmacāriyōṁ nē ātmahatyā kara lī kāraṇa alaukika ghaṭanā'ōṁ, mānava adhikārōṁ kē li'ē tā'ivāna kē ēka sain'ya karanē kē li'ē balidāna itanā hai ki tā'ivāna ku'ōmintāṅga patana) --- maiṁ sabhī jānavarōṁ paśu vakālata, isa bhikṣā āpa kē li'ē, kr̥payā vāyara ṭrānsaphara kē artha mēṁ dhana kī kamī kē ādhyātmika vicārōṁ aura krūratā kī sunāmī kī rōkathāma hai pracārita: Vidēśī mudrā baiṅka kōḍa kī mērī antararāṣṭrīya mudrā prēṣaṇa: BKTWTWTP031. Baiṅka khātā: 031007963753 Upayōgakartā nāma: Zhengbing hu'ī. युद्ध ईसाई की दुनिया में सभी धर्मों को उखाड़ फेंकने को जीत के लिए वृद्धि की वजह से आ रहा है - बहुत बुरा दुनिया, जीत के लिए मसीह के साथ, मैं भारत और म्यांमार के बौद्ध पुनर्जन्म ब्राह्मणवाद हिंदू धर्म और अन्य धर्मों के महत्व :! वकील (जब चीन और रूस या बनाए रखने के लिए के बीच द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के गठबंधन तटस्थ,) वापस ब्रिटिश औपनिवेशिक शासन के अधीन नहीं जाते हैं ?? सभी धर्मों वास्तव में सम्मान किया जाता है, जहां स्वर्ग है, तो भगवान जानवरों के सभी प्रकार के प्यार करता है कि न केवल दुनिया को प्यार करता था, जो एक ही भगवान हो सकता है, पृथ्वी पर भेजा स्वर्गदूतों धन उगाहने के अरबों नहीं है एक दान या धार्मिक संस्थाओं डॉलर या अधिक है, लेकिन थोड़ा प्रासंगिकता कमजोर लोगों को या एक सनसनी के कारण होता है जो आगे आने के लिए गरीब जानवर को .------ अवतार भगवान हजारों साल के लिए दुनिया भर में सुसमाचार प्रचार और बनाने के लिए, अरबों के सैकड़ों है सभी धर्मों, इसलिए भगवान सिर्फ एक अलग नाम के साथ एक ही व्यक्ति है कि दुनिया के सभी धर्मों ने प्रशंसा <दया की देवी है और इसलिए काफी समान वर्जिन मैरी की उपस्थिति सौंप दिया ही दो साल, लेकिन कोई नहीं कौन नकल करने के लिए?> भगवान इतना दुनिया प्यार के बाद से -----, यह है स्वार्थ के लिए कोई आधार अन्य देशों के संसाधनों को जब्त करने के लिए एक युद्ध शुरू करने के लिए, एक बहाना अन्य धर्मों को नष्ट करने के लिए है, लेकिन झूठे देवताओं समस्या की पूजा नहीं की थी। भगवान भगवान ने बनाया है जो सब कुछ बनाया, भगवान तो दुनिया (की आड़ में दूसरों को नष्ट करने के लिए उसे भगवान के नाम पर फोन नहीं होता प्यार करता था ) अन्य देशों धर्म के द्वारा बनाई गई! इसलिए भगवान से मौजूद है, लेकिन नहीं में (भीतर किसी दूसरे देश चर्च धर्म) पर हमला! देशों और लोगों के लोगों पर हमला करने के लिए हमला करने के सर्वनाश देश,यह अंत करने के लिए यीशु मसीह के वचन के अनुसार साल विश्वासियों को बचाने के लिए आ गया है, लेकिन दुनिया के अंत में केवल कुछ ही दयालु विश्वासियों साइबेरिया शरण के लिए युद्ध की तरह नहीं है, कुछ लोगों की मदद कर सकते हैं, ज्यादातर ईसाई हैं (अन्य देशों में चर्च हमले धर्म) थे अपने प्रभु को गुमराह करने के लिए, लेकिन हो गया है (धार्मिक अन्य देशों में चर्च हमलों) उपकरण की दुनिया को जीत के लिए और विश्व युद्ध के संकट के लिए, चरम महत्वाकांक्षा मिशनरी प्रभाव में जिहाद के बैनर पकड़े पहचान करने में असमर्थ है, घरों में नरक की आग बन .- यीशु के पास दुनिया में आ आत्मविश्वास से अच्छा आस्तिक बचाव, आस्तिक लड़ने के लिए उसे दूर नेतृत्व करने के लिए नहीं है! लेकिन कई ईसाई। युद्ध के मैदान की मौत के बाद की वजह से रक्त और हत्या का पूरा हाथ था बुराई नरक में बाइबिल शब्द Careerists से साथ छेड़छाड़ विश्व युद्ध की ओर सड़क गुमराह किया गया है रूस, चीन और इस्लामी दुनिया के संसाधनों के साथ युद्ध के महत्वाकांक्षी लक्ष्य के अंतिम तेजी से लगातार ज्वालामुखी विस्फोट के करीब भी मुश्किल जल्दी ई 2015 में के बाद मनीला सुनामी युद्ध को बचाने के लिए एक परमाणु विश्व युद्ध घटित होगा, जबकि लिंग (!, पेट सूचना दी नीचे: जमीनी स्तर से दो स्वर्गदूतों जानवरों से प्यार करता है जो ताइवान, विस्तार करने के लिए क्लिक कर सकते हैं - मुख्य भूमि चीन फॉक्सकॉन कारखाने से उसकी याचिका शक्तिशाली लोगों कारण नहीं निरंतर 12 कर्मचारियों ने आत्महत्या कर ली कारण अलौकिक घटनाओं, मानव अधिकारों के लिए ताइवान के एक सैन्य करने के लिए बलिदान इतना है कि ताइवान कुओमिन्तांग पतन) --- मैं सभी जानवरों पशु वकालत, इस भिक्षा आप के लिए, कृपया वायर ट्रांसफर के अर्थ में धन की कमी के आध्यात्मिक विचारों और क्रूरता की सुनामी की रोकथाम है प्रचारित: विदेशी मुद्रा बैंक कोड की मेरी अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा प्रेषण: BKTWTWTP031। बैंक खाता: 031007963753 उपयोगकर्ता नाम: Zhengbing हुई।

Yud'dha! Mukhyatvē badhā dharmō uthalāvī pāḍavā khristī viśvamāṁ jītī vadhē āvē chē

Yud'dha! Mukhyatvē badhā dharmō uthalāvī pāḍavā khristī viśvamāṁ jītī vadhē āvē chē 印度古哈拉地-世界大戰快到了!主因是基督教高層要征服世界打倒所有宗教 Yud'dha khristī viśvamāṁ badhā ja dharmō uthalāvī jītī vadhē mukhyatvē āvē chē - khūba kharāba viśvamāṁ jītī khrista sāthē, huṁ bhārata anē myānamāra baud'dha punarjanma hindudharma hindu anē an'ya dharmō mahatva:! Ēḍavōkēṭa (jyārē cā'inā anē raśiyā kē jāḷavī vaccē viśva yud'dha II ēlāyansa taṭastha,) pāchā briṭiśa sansthānavādī śāsana hēṭhaḷa jā'ō nathī?? Badhā dharmō hakīkata ādara karavāmāṁ āvē chē jyāṁ svarga, tēthī bhagavāna prāṇī'ō tamāma prakāranā prēma mātra kē viśva prēmabharyā ē ēka ja dēvanī hō'i śakē chē, pr̥thvī para mōkalavāmāṁ ēnjalsa bhaṇḍōḷa ūbhu abajō nathī ēka dharmādā athavā dhārmika sansthā'ō ḍōlara athavā vadhu chē, parantu thōḍī susaṅgatatā sanvēdanaśīla lōkō athavā ēka sanasanāṭībharyā kāraṇē jē āgaḷa āvavā māṭē garība prāṇī.------ Avatāra bhagavāna hajārō varṣa samagra viśvamāṁ suvārtā anē banāvavā māṭē abajō sēṅkaḍō chē badhā dharmō, jēthī bhagavāna mātra ēka alaga nāma sāthē ja vyakti chē, kē jē viśvanā tamāma dharmō dvārā praśansā Bhagavāna jēthī viśvamāṁ prēma hōvāthī -----, tē chē svārtha māṭē kō'ī mēdāna an'ya dēśōnā sādhanō japta yud'dha śarū karavā māṭē, ēka bahānuṁ an'ya dharmō nāśa karavā māṭē, parantu khōṭā dēvatā'ō samasyā pūjā na hatī. Bhagavāna banāvanāra jē badhuṁ, banāvavāmāṁ āvē chē, bhagavāna jēthī viśvamāṁ (nā bahānuṁ hēṭhaḷa an'ya nāśa karavā māṭē tēmanē bhagavāna nā nāma nathī kahī'ē prēma) an'ya dēśōmāṁ dharma dvārā banāvavāmāṁ! Tēthī īśvara chē, parantu ā (andara bījā dēśamāṁ carca dharma) humalō! Dēśō anē lōkō lōkō para humalō karavā para humalō karavā māṭē sākṣātkāra dēśa,Ā māṭē īsu khristanā vacana pramāṇē ā varṣē mānē sācavavā māṭē āvē chē, parantu viśvanā ōvaranē mātra thōḍā prakāranī dilanuṁ āsthāvānō sā'ibirīyā āśraya māṭē yud'dha na gamē, thōḍā lōkōnē madada karī śakē, mōṭā bhāganā khristī'ō chē (an'ya dēśōmāṁ carca humalō dharma) hatā tēmanā bhagavāna bhrāmaka, parantu banī chē (dhārmika an'ya dēśōmāṁ carca humalā) sādhanō viśva jītī anē viśva yud'dha śāpa karavā māṭē, ātyantika mahatvākāṅkṣā miśanarī prabhāva jēhāda nā bēnara hōlḍiṅga ōḷakhī śakatā nathī, gharō naraka jyōta banī.- Īsu jagatamāṁ āvyō viśvāsa sārī āstika bacāva, āstika laḍavā māṭē tēnē dūra dōrī nathī! Parantu ghaṇā khristī'ō. Yud'dhabhūmi mr̥tyu pachī kāraṇē rakta anē hatyā sampūrṇa hātha hatō duṣṭa hēla bā'ībalanā śaratō careerists dvārā sāthē cēḍā viśva yud'dha tarapha mārga gēramārgē dōravāmāṁ āvyā raśiyā, cā'inā anē islāmika viśvamāṁ sādhanō sāthē yud'dha mahatvākāṅkṣī uddēśa! Chēllā vadhunē vadhu vāranvāra jvāḷāmukhī phāṭī nīkaḷavō najīka paṇa muśkēla śarū'ātamāṁ ēḍī 2015 māṁ pachī manilā sunāmī yud'dha sācavavā māṭē ēka paramāṇu viśva yud'dha thaśē, jyārē liṅga (!, Pēṭa ahēvāla nīcē: Grāma vistāra starē bē ēnjalsa prāṇī'ō prēma jē tā'ivāna, mōṭuṁ karō klika karō karī śakō chō - mē'inalēnḍa cā'inā phōksakōna phēkṭarī tēmanā arajī śaktiśāḷī lōkō nathī kāraṇē satata 12 karmacārī'ō ātmahatyā kāraṇē alaukika ghaṭanā'ō, hyumana rā'iṭsa māṭē ēka tā'ivānī laśkarī balidāna kē jēthī tā'ivāna kyu'ōminaṭēṅganā patana) --- huṁ badhā prāṇī'ō prāṇī'ō himāyata, ā dāna tamē, kr̥pā karīnē vāyara ṭrānsaphara artha bhaṇḍōḷanā abhāva ādhyātmika vicārō anē krūratānī sunāmī nivāraṇa chē jāhēra: Vidēśī vinimaya bēṅka kōḍa mārā āntararāṣṭrīya vinimaya paisā mōkalāvē tē kōjhikōḍanā: BKTWTWTP031. Bēnka ēkā'unṭa: 031007963753 Vaparāśakartā nāma: Zhengbing hu'ī. યુદ્ધ ખ્રિસ્તી વિશ્વમાં બધા જ ધર્મો ઉથલાવી જીતી વધે મુખ્યત્વે આવે છે - ખૂબ ખરાબ વિશ્વમાં જીતી ખ્રિસ્ત સાથે, હું ભારત અને મ્યાનમાર બૌદ્ધ પુનર્જન્મ હિંદુધર્મ હિંદુ અને અન્ય ધર્મો મહત્વ :! એડવોકેટ (જ્યારે ચાઇના અને રશિયા કે જાળવી વચ્ચે વિશ્વ યુદ્ધ II એલાયન્સ તટસ્થ,) પાછા બ્રિટિશ સંસ્થાનવાદી શાસન હેઠળ જાઓ નથી ?? બધા ધર્મો હકીકત આદર કરવામાં આવે છે જ્યાં સ્વર્ગ, તેથી ભગવાન પ્રાણીઓ તમામ પ્રકારના પ્રેમ માત્ર કે વિશ્વ પ્રેમભર્યા એ એક જ દેવની હોઇ શકે છે, પૃથ્વી પર મોકલવામાં એન્જલ્સ ભંડોળ ઊભુ અબજો નથી એક ધર્માદા અથવા ધાર્મિક સંસ્થાઓ ડોલર અથવા વધુ છે, પરંતુ થોડી સુસંગતતા સંવેદનશીલ લોકો અથવા એક સનસનાટીભર્યા કારણે જે આગળ આવવા માટે ગરીબ પ્રાણી .------ અવતાર ભગવાન હજારો વર્ષ સમગ્ર વિશ્વમાં સુવાર્તા અને બનાવવા માટે અબજો સેંકડો છે બધા ધર્મો, જેથી ભગવાન માત્ર એક અલગ નામ સાથે જ વ્યક્તિ છે, કે જે વિશ્વના તમામ ધર્મો દ્વારા પ્રશંસા <મર્સી દેવી અને તેથી તદ્દન સમાન વર્જિન મેરી દેખાવ આપ્યો જ બે વર્ષ છે, પરંતુ કોઈ એક કોણ નકલ કરવા?> ભગવાન જેથી વિશ્વમાં પ્રેમ હોવાથી -----, તે છે સ્વાર્થ માટે કોઈ મેદાન અન્ય દેશોના સાધનો જપ્ત યુદ્ધ શરૂ કરવા માટે, એક બહાનું અન્ય ધર્મો નાશ કરવા માટે, પરંતુ ખોટા દેવતાઓ સમસ્યા પૂજા ન હતી. ભગવાન બનાવનાર જે બધું, બનાવવામાં આવે છે, ભગવાન જેથી વિશ્વમાં (ના બહાનું હેઠળ અન્ય નાશ કરવા માટે તેમને ભગવાન ના નામ નથી કહીએ પ્રેમ ) અન્ય દેશોમાં ધર્મ દ્વારા બનાવવામાં! તેથી ઈશ્વર છે, પરંતુ આ (અંદર બીજા દેશમાં ચર્ચ ધર્મ) હુમલો! દેશો અને લોકો લોકો પર હુમલો કરવા પર હુમલો કરવા માટે સાક્ષાત્કાર દેશ,આ માટે ઈસુ ખ્રિસ્તના વચન પ્રમાણે આ વર્ષે માને સાચવવા માટે આવે છે, પરંતુ વિશ્વના ઓવરને માત્ર થોડા પ્રકારની દિલનું આસ્થાવાનો સાઇબિરીયા આશ્રય માટે યુદ્ધ ન ગમે, થોડા લોકોને મદદ કરી શકે, મોટા ભાગના ખ્રિસ્તીઓ છે (અન્ય દેશોમાં ચર્ચ હુમલો ધર્મ) હતા તેમના ભગવાન ભ્રામક, પરંતુ બની છે (ધાર્મિક અન્ય દેશોમાં ચર્ચ હુમલા) સાધનો વિશ્વ જીતી અને વિશ્વ યુદ્ધ શાપ કરવા માટે, આત્યંતિક મહત્વાકાંક્ષા મિશનરી પ્રભાવ જેહાદ ના બેનર હોલ્ડિંગ ઓળખી શકતા નથી, ઘરો નરક જ્યોત બની .- ઈસુ જગતમાં આવ્યો વિશ્વાસ સારી આસ્તિક બચાવ, આસ્તિક લડવા માટે તેને દૂર દોરી નથી! પરંતુ ઘણા ખ્રિસ્તીઓ. યુદ્ધભૂમિ મૃત્યુ પછી કારણે રક્ત અને હત્યા સંપૂર્ણ હાથ હતો દુષ્ટ હેલ બાઈબલના શરતો careerists દ્વારા સાથે ચેડા વિશ્વ યુદ્ધ તરફ માર્ગ ગેરમાર્ગે દોરવામાં આવ્યા રશિયા, ચાઇના અને ઇસ્લામિક વિશ્વમાં સાધનો સાથે યુદ્ધ મહત્વાકાંક્ષી ઉદ્દેશ! છેલ્લા વધુને વધુ વારંવાર જ્વાળામુખી ફાટી નીકળવો નજીક પણ મુશ્કેલ શરૂઆતમાં એડી 2015 માં પછી મનિલા સુનામી યુદ્ધ સાચવવા માટે એક પરમાણુ વિશ્વ યુદ્ધ થશે, જ્યારે લિંગ (!, પેટ અહેવાલ નીચે: ગ્રામ વિસ્તાર સ્તરે બે એન્જલ્સ પ્રાણીઓ પ્રેમ જે તાઇવાન, મોટું કરો ક્લિક કરો કરી શકો છો - મેઇનલેન્ડ ચાઇના ફોક્સકોન ફેક્ટરી તેમના અરજી શક્તિશાળી લોકો નથી કારણે સતત 12 કર્મચારીઓ આત્મહત્યા કારણે અલૌકિક ઘટનાઓ, હ્યુમન રાઇટ્સ માટે એક તાઇવાની લશ્કરી બલિદાન કે જેથી તાઇવાન ક્યુઓમિનટેંગના પતન) --- હું બધા પ્રાણીઓ પ્રાણીઓ હિમાયત, આ દાન તમે, કૃપા કરીને વાયર ટ્રાન્સફર અર્થ ભંડોળના અભાવ આધ્યાત્મિક વિચારો અને ક્રૂરતાની સુનામી નિવારણ છે જાહેર: વિદેશી વિનિમય બેંક કોડ મારા આંતરરાષ્ટ્રીય વિનિમય પૈસા મોકલાવે તે કોઝિકોડના: BKTWTWTP031. બેન્ક એકાઉન્ટ: 031007963753 વપરાશકર્તા નામ: Zhengbing હુઈ.

Kamis, 10 September 2015

After 2015 AD tsunami Manila to end the war before the first Bible prophecy! Jesus Christ ready to rescue believers do not love war!

英文- 西元2015馬尼拉海嘯後至聖經預言第末日戰爭前!耶穌基督準備解救不愛戰爭的信徒!- After 2015 AD tsunami Manila to end the war before the first Bible prophecy! Jesus Christ ready to rescue believers do not love war! Bible prophecy before 2018 AD, the Third World War, the resurrection of Jesus Christ will save believers do not love war - where God ?? actually all religions are respected God may be the same person, only God so loved the world love all kinds of animals, the pie Not to earth angel of charity fundraising or religious institutions over billions of dollars, but little relevance to vulnerable people or the poor animal to come forward who caused a sensation there are hundreds of billions .------ God incarnate, For thousands of years around the world to preach the gospel and to create all kinds of religions, so admired by all religions of the world that God is the same person just with a different name, ----- Since God so loved the world, we need to selfishness grounds to destroy other religions, an excuse to launch a war to seize the resources of other countries, but did not worship false gods problem. God created everything, who created God, God so loved the world on under the guise of the name of God we will not ask them to destroy (He has created other countries religion)! Therefore God exists, but does not exist in the (church attack religion in other countries!) to attack the country and the end of the world countries, people attack the people, for the Jesus Christ has shone this year promise to come save the believers, but in the end of the world can only help a few people, a few kind-hearted believers do not like the war to Siberia refuge, most Christians were (the church attacks in other countries religious) misled Unable to recognize their Lord,Has become the (attack another country church religion) to conquer the world of tools and holding the banner of jihad in extreme ambition missionary influence, to the World War scourge, homes become flames of hell .- Jesus come into the world to save believers have confidence in the good, Believers are not led him away to fight! But many Christians have been falsified one ambitious biblical terms misled the road to world war. After the death of the battlefield due to a hand full of blood and kill evil spirits were reported hell abdomen, and careerist The purpose is to wage war with Russia, China and the Islamic world resources increasingly frequent recent volcanic eruption will save easily advance nuclear world war occurred in 2015 AD after the war even closer Manila tsunami (below:!.! grassroots Taiwan Click to enlarge two angels, who loves animals - her petition powerful people not from mainland China Foxconn factory caused continuous 12 employees committed suicide due to supernatural events, one for the military at the expense of human rights in Taiwan so that Taiwan Kuomintang collapse) - - I publicize all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.

After 2015 AD tsunami Manila to end the war before the first Bible prophecy! Jesus Christ ready to rescue believers do not love war!

英文- 西元2015馬尼拉海嘯後至聖經預言第末日戰爭前!耶穌基督準備解救不愛戰爭的信徒!- After 2015 AD tsunami Manila to end the war before the first Bible prophecy! Jesus Christ ready to rescue believers do not love war! Bible prophecy before 2018 AD, the Third World War, the resurrection of Jesus Christ will save believers do not love war - where God ?? actually all religions are respected God may be the same person, only God so loved the world love all kinds of animals, the pie Not to earth angel of charity fundraising or religious institutions over billions of dollars, but little relevance to vulnerable people or the poor animal to come forward who caused a sensation there are hundreds of billions .------ God incarnate, For thousands of years around the world to preach the gospel and to create all kinds of religions, so admired by all religions of the world that God is the same person just with a different name, ----- Since God so loved the world, we need to selfishness grounds to destroy other religions, an excuse to launch a war to seize the resources of other countries, but did not worship false gods problem. God created everything, who created God, God so loved the world on under the guise of the name of God we will not ask them to destroy (He has created other countries religion)! Therefore God exists, but does not exist in the (church attack religion in other countries!) to attack the country and the end of the world countries, people attack the people, for the Jesus Christ has shone this year promise to come save the believers, but in the end of the world can only help a few people, a few kind-hearted believers do not like the war to Siberia refuge, most Christians were (the church attacks in other countries religious) misled Unable to recognize their Lord,Has become the (attack another country church religion) to conquer the world of tools and holding the banner of jihad in extreme ambition missionary influence, to the World War scourge, homes become flames of hell .- Jesus come into the world to save believers have confidence in the good, Believers are not led him away to fight! But many Christians have been falsified one ambitious biblical terms misled the road to world war. After the death of the battlefield due to a hand full of blood and kill evil spirits were reported hell abdomen, and careerist The purpose is to wage war with Russia, China and the Islamic world resources increasingly frequent recent volcanic eruption will save easily advance nuclear world war occurred in 2015 AD after the war even closer Manila tsunami (below:!.! grassroots Taiwan Click to enlarge two angels, who loves animals - her petition powerful people not from mainland China Foxconn factory caused continuous 12 employees committed suicide due to supernatural events, one for the military at the expense of human rights in Taiwan so that Taiwan Kuomintang collapse) - - I publicize all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.

AD 2015 after the tsunami to Manila before the Third World War Bible prophecy! Jesus Christ ready to rescue the good believers!-

英文-西元2015馬尼拉海嘯後至聖經預言第三次世界大戰前!耶穌基督準備解救善良的信徒! - AD 2015 after the tsunami to Manila before the Third World War Bible prophecy! Jesus Christ ready to rescue the good believers!- Bible prophecy before 2018 AD, the Third World War, the resurrection of Jesus Christ will save believers do not love war - where God ?? actually all religions are respected God may be the same person, only God so loved the world love all kinds of animals, the pie Not to earth angel of charity fundraising or religious institutions over billions of dollars, but little relevance to vulnerable people or the poor animal to come forward who caused a sensation there are hundreds of billions .------ God incarnate, For thousands of years around the world to preach the gospel and to create all kinds of religions, so admired by all religions of the world that God is the same person just with a different name, ----- Since God so loved the world, we need to selfishness grounds to destroy other religions, an excuse to launch a war to seize the resources of other countries, but did not worship false gods problem. God created everything, who created God, God so loved the world on under the guise of the name of God we will not ask them to destroy (He has created other countries religion)! Therefore God exists, but does not exist in the (church attack religion in other countries!) to attack the country and the end of the world countries, people attack the people, for the Jesus Christ has shone this year promise to come save the believers, but in the end of the world can only help a few people, a few kind-hearted believers do not like the war to Siberia refuge, most Christians were (the church attacks in other countries religious) misled Unable to recognize their Lord,Has become the (attack another country church religion) to conquer the world of tools and holding the banner of jihad in extreme ambition missionary influence, to the World War scourge, homes become flames of hell .- Jesus come into the world to save believers have confidence in the good, Believers are not led him away to fight! But many Christians have been falsified one ambitious biblical terms misled the road to world war. After the death of the battlefield due to a hand full of blood and kill evil spirits were reported hell abdomen, and careerist The purpose is to wage war with Russia, China and the Islamic world resources increasingly frequent recent volcanic eruption will save easily advance nuclear world war occurred in 2015 AD after the war even closer Manila tsunami (below:!.! grassroots Taiwan Click to enlarge two angels, who loves animals - her petition powerful people not from mainland China Foxconn factory caused continuous 12 employees committed suicide due to supernatural events, one for the military at the expense of human rights in Taiwan so that Taiwan Kuomintang collapse) - - I publicize all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.

AD 2015 after the tsunami to Manila before the Third World War Bible prophecy! Jesus Christ ready to rescue the good believers!-

英文-西元2015馬尼拉海嘯後至聖經預言第三次世界大戰前!耶穌基督準備解救善良的信徒! - AD 2015 after the tsunami to Manila before the Third World War Bible prophecy! Jesus Christ ready to rescue the good believers!- Bible prophecy before 2018 AD, the Third World War, the resurrection of Jesus Christ will save believers do not love war - where God ?? actually all religions are respected God may be the same person, only God so loved the world love all kinds of animals, the pie Not to earth angel of charity fundraising or religious institutions over billions of dollars, but little relevance to vulnerable people or the poor animal to come forward who caused a sensation there are hundreds of billions .------ God incarnate, For thousands of years around the world to preach the gospel and to create all kinds of religions, so admired by all religions of the world that God is the same person just with a different name, ----- Since God so loved the world, we need to selfishness grounds to destroy other religions, an excuse to launch a war to seize the resources of other countries, but did not worship false gods problem. God created everything, who created God, God so loved the world on under the guise of the name of God we will not ask them to destroy (He has created other countries religion)! Therefore God exists, but does not exist in the (church attack religion in other countries!) to attack the country and the end of the world countries, people attack the people, for the Jesus Christ has shone this year promise to come save the believers, but in the end of the world can only help a few people, a few kind-hearted believers do not like the war to Siberia refuge, most Christians were (the church attacks in other countries religious) misled Unable to recognize their Lord,Has become the (attack another country church religion) to conquer the world of tools and holding the banner of jihad in extreme ambition missionary influence, to the World War scourge, homes become flames of hell .- Jesus come into the world to save believers have confidence in the good, Believers are not led him away to fight! But many Christians have been falsified one ambitious biblical terms misled the road to world war. After the death of the battlefield due to a hand full of blood and kill evil spirits were reported hell abdomen, and careerist The purpose is to wage war with Russia, China and the Islamic world resources increasingly frequent recent volcanic eruption will save easily advance nuclear world war occurred in 2015 AD after the war even closer Manila tsunami (below:!.! grassroots Taiwan Click to enlarge two angels, who loves animals - her petition powerful people not from mainland China Foxconn factory caused continuous 12 employees committed suicide due to supernatural events, one for the military at the expense of human rights in Taiwan so that Taiwan Kuomintang collapse) - - I publicize all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.

Manila after AD 2015 to the end of Bible prophecy before the tsunami! Jesus Christ ready to rescue the good believers

英文-西元2015馬尼拉海嘯後至聖經預言末日前!耶穌基督準備解救善良的信徒! - -Manila after AD 2015 to the end of Bible prophecy before the tsunami! Jesus Christ ready to rescue the good believers! Bible prophecy before 2018 AD, the Third World War, the resurrection of Jesus Christ will save believers do not love war - where God ?? actually all religions are respected God may be the same person, only God so loved the world love all kinds of animals, the pie Not to earth angel of charity fundraising or religious institutions over billions of dollars, but little relevance to vulnerable people or the poor animal to come forward who caused a sensation there are hundreds of billions .------ God incarnate, For thousands of years around the world to preach the gospel and to create all kinds of religions, so admired by all religions of the world that God is the same person just with a different name, ----- Since God so loved the world, we need to selfishness grounds to destroy other religions, an excuse to launch a war to seize the resources of other countries, but did not worship false gods problem. God created everything, who created God, God so loved the world on under the guise of the name of God we will not ask them to destroy (He has created other countries religion)! Therefore God exists, but does not exist in the (church attack religion in other countries!) to attack the country and the end of the world countries, people attack the people, for the Jesus Christ has shone this year promise to come save the believers, but in the end of the world can only help a few people, a few kind-hearted believers do not like the war to Siberia refuge, most Christians were (the church attacks in other countries religious) misled Unable to recognize their Lord,Has become the (attack another country church religion) to conquer the world of tools and holding the banner of jihad in extreme ambition missionary influence, to the World War scourge, homes become flames of hell .- Jesus come into the world to save believers have confidence in the good, Believers are not led him away to fight! But many Christians have been falsified one ambitious biblical terms misled the road to world war. After the death of the battlefield due to a hand full of blood and kill evil spirits were reported hell abdomen, and careerist The purpose is to wage war with Russia, China and the Islamic world resources increasingly frequent recent volcanic eruption will save easily advance nuclear world war occurred in 2015 AD after the war even closer Manila tsunami (below:!.! grassroots Taiwan Click to enlarge two angels, who loves animals - her petition powerful people not from mainland China Foxconn factory caused continuous 12 employees committed suicide due to supernatural events, one for the military at the expense of human rights in Taiwan so that Taiwan Kuomintang collapse) - - I publicize all animals have spiritual ideas and tsunami Prevention of Cruelty to Animals advocacy, lack of funds to you at this alms, intended to please wire transfer: my international exchange remittances of foreign exchange bank code: BKTWTWTP031. Bank account: 031007963753 username: Zhengbing Hui.